Tim Tales: A Tim Drake Anthology is an anthology focused on the character of Tim Drake from DC Comics. The theme of the anthology is folklore, fairytales and urban legends.This anthology will contain both SFW and NSFW work.
Due to moderation constraints, this anthology will contain fanworks written in English only.All works will feature the characters of DC only, and will be centred around one specific legend, myth or fairytale.The right of use, reproduction, and/or distribution of each work will belong to the respective content creator.Creators should not talk about recognisable content in the anthology online. This includes streaming, posting WIPs, or screenshots of your progress.Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Anyone who has been found to have plagiarised will be immediately removed from the anthology.
18 June - 1 July | Idea Signups |
15 July - 16 September | Creation Period |
August - November | Production |
December | Release! |
Q: What will be produced?
A: This is a digital anthology!Q: Will it be sold?
A: The digital anthology will be free for download. Of course, you can always leave us a tip! All tips (if any) will go to the contributors.Q: How many contributors are there?
A: :)Q: I want to participate, how can I do so?
A: Unfortunately, this anthology is invite-only.Q: Can I have a beta?
A: You may seek your own beta outside of the fanzine. The betas will not be affiliated with the anthology. The anthology mods will be looking over the writing, but they will only be looking for grammatical errors and misspelling of names.Q: What if I dont like the folklore that I have?
A: The list of legends, myths or fairytales will be released to contributors at a specified date and time. Contributors will be allowed to choose the folklore that they want to work with on a first-come-first-serve basis.Q: Are ships allowed?
A: Yes.Q: Is NSFW content allowed?
A: Yes, but it is not a requirement.Q: Can I write/draw an OC?
A: No, unless it is not the focus of the piece.Q: Are crossovers allowed?
A: No, unless it is with the specific folklore or urban legend that you are working with. Miraculous Ladybug and Danny Phantom crossovers are strictly not allowed.Q: Does my work have to be stand-alone?
A: Yes, the work must be a stand-alone work.Q: Can I collaborate with someone who signed up separately from me?
A: Yes. A collaboration between an artist and a writer who signed up separately is permitted, and they will have to produce two works, i.e. one art piece and one writing piece.
Fish (he/him) | @allthefisheswim (Twitter) | Head Mod |
A.K. (he/him) | @nymphettim (Twitter) | Writing Mod |
Iceu (he/him) | @grindingsugar (Twitter) | Art Mod |